Who does God want to impress?

 Is God interested in impressing us with his ability to foretell the future?

   To undermine sound doctrine concerning biblical prophecy, one teacher wrote that “God is not interested in impressing us with his ability to foretell the future.”
   That statement could not have been further from the truth.
   The written Word of God tells us it is exactly that ability we can look to, and depend on, for proof that our God is the only true God, and that his written Word is the only standard by which we can measure what is, and what is not, truth—Isaiah 48:3-5.
   Bible prophecy is a bedrock doctrine of Christianity, because it is all about the redemption we proclaim.
   God’s plan of redemption was fully planned and fully implemented before the foundation of the earth—Ecclesiastes 1:9, Isaiah 57:15-a, 1 Peter 1:19-20, Revelation 13:8. 

This is a short excerpt from, Redemption: Bible Prophecy Simplified